S.K Park Hotel - RS stop point, Phatthalung (RSS)

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added in THA- camp & stay by BetaEx

257 Tambon Pa Phayom, Pa Phayom, Phattalung, 93210, Thailand

S.K Park Hotel, situated in Pa Phayom, Phatthalung, Thailand, offers a comfortable stay with complimentary amenities such as free parking, air conditioning, free WiFi, and a 24/7 front desk.

Surrounded by peaceful rural landscapes, S.K Park Hotel offers a tranquil atmosphere that enhances the natural ambiance, ensuring guests a delightful and serene experience during their stay.

Notably, the hotel owner is an esteemed LRST member and serves as an RSS (Sekutu) to Rover Serigala, making it a significant and welcoming Rover Serigala stop point for RS members, RSS and other travelers.

