Alexandria - historic Mediterranean city

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added in EGY- places by BetaEx

Egypt's coastal cultural hub, Mediterranean region

Alexandria is a historic city located on the Mediterranean coast in the north of Egypt. It is situated approximately 225 kilometers (140 miles) to the north of the capital, Cairo. [Map location]

Alexandria, Egypt's second-largest city, is characterized by its cultural diversity.

The population is predominantly of Egyptian descent, but due to its historical significance and its role as a major port and economic center, the city has attracted various ethnic and religious communities.

These include Coptic Christians, Muslims, and smaller expatriate populations. Demographic data may vary over time due to factors such as urbanization and migration.

Alexandria boasts a rich historical heritage, with origins dating back to its founding by Alexander the Great in 331 BCE. It quickly evolved into a major center of culture, trade, and learning during the Hellenistic and Roman periods, known for the Great Library of Alexandria.

Subsequently, it transitioned through various rulers, including the Byzantines and the Islamic Caliphates. Throughout history, it has played a pivotal role in the Mediterranean world's cultural and intellectual development.

Alexandria's geography is characterized by its coastal location along the Mediterranean Sea. The city is situated on a stretch of flat, fertile land that extends inland from the coast.

The nearby Nile Delta contributes to the region's agricultural significance. Its proximity to the Mediterranean has historically made it an important port for trade and maritime activities.

Alexandria experiences a Mediterranean climate with distinct seasons:

Mild, Wet Winters (November to April): During this period, temperatures range from 10°C to 20°C (50°F to 68°F). Precipitation is relatively higher, with an average of 200 mm (8 inches) of rainfall, largely occurring in the winter months.

Hot, Dry Summers (May to October): Summer temperatures can soar, typically ranging from 25°C to 32°C (77°F to 90°F). Rainfall is minimal, and the city enjoys long periods of sunshine.


