S.A.S. Landypoint France - independent Land Rover parts seller, Garat

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S.A.S. Landypoint France 82 rue Jean Ducongé 16410 Garat France


+33 (0) 5 17 20 03 27

LANDYPOINT is an independent supplier of spare parts and accessories for Land Rover and other British brands. Our competitive prices are comparable to those in the United Kingdom, and our extensive stock ensures delivery within 48 hours.

We can answer most of your technical questions in English and French. We also have electronic diagnostic equipment to help you find solutions to your problems, obtain real-time status of your different computer boxes, or simply clear errors from them.

If you can't find what you're looking for, don't hesitate to contact our friendly team, who will be happy to help. Please remember to have your chassis number ready for certain parts that are difficult to identify.



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