Lutova House Museum, 1854 - Museum in Koprivshtitsa

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Koprivshtitsa,Belovezhdov Street 2,2077, Bulgaria


+359 71 842 138

Lutova House Museum is an impressive example of the architecture of the period at its best. It was build in 1854 for the wealthy citizen of Korprivshtiza Stefan Topalov by Plovdiv master-buildings. It has richly painted walls and beautiful wood-curved ceilings. In 1906 the house was sold to the local merchant Petko Lyutov from where its name derives. The ground floor holds a display of “plasti” – handmade colorful covers made from wool used as floor covers and comfortable thick bedcovers. The plasti were made by special rolling and pressing methods and were colored with natural dyes. [source]

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